
SI-100IS is a single control panel and an alarm for fixed gas detector and fixed gas leak
detector composed of sensing part and receiver. It is designed as DIN type and so can be
installed as wall mount panel. Performing calibration is processed from a detector and can
also perform from the SI-100IS itself
⇒ Sophisticated design and simple structure
⇒ Display using the Bar-Graph depend on alarm steps. (1st, 2nd, 3rd Alarm)
⇒ 3 Colored LED and F.N.D gas concentration display
⇒ Easy zero calibration and built-in calibration mode
⇒ Self test mode
⇒ Display the number of calibrations
⇒ Built-in light bar (Option)
Model SI-100IS
Measuring range Programmable within detection range
Display 30-Bar graph, 3 Alarm LED, 3 Status LED, 7-Segment(4Digit)
Sound buzzer(Alarm1,2,3, Reset, Fault), 80dB
Operation mode display 3 Alarm LED, 3 Status LED
Measuring value display 30-Bar graph, 7-Segment(4Digit)
Alarm level set Alarm1,2,3 Programmable within detection range
Alarm signal output Alarm 1,2,3 - 12V.DC, Dry contact (com, no, nc), comm 12V.DC, Dry
contact(com, no, nc)
Input Signal 4/20mA signal
Cable/Distance CVVSB 1.5sq or AWG20 × 3wire (Power + Signal) / 2,500m max
Mounting type Wall mount
Program set mode ALARM1,2,3, Range, 4-20mA Calibration etc.
Operating temperature -20ºC ~ +50ºC
Operating humidity 5%~95%RH(Non-condensing)
Operating power 100~240V INPUT AC (50/60Hz), <0.24A
Material ABS AF308
Dimensions 120(W) × 200(H) × 51(D)mm
Weight 0.5kg