Statx Thermal Aerosol Fire Suppression System

Stat-X® fire suppression systems with thermal/manual operation are stand-alone units. Their own patented detection mechanism is incorporated, eliminating the need for separate detection, and releasing controls. These units are suitable for a broad range of applications in smaller enclosures. They are available in sizes ranging from 30 grams up to 1,000 grams.
Key Feature
⇒ Significantly more effective than alternative extinguishing agents
⇒ Environmentally friendly -Ozone depletion potential (ODP) = 0 - No global warming potential
⇒ Ease of installation – no pressure vessels, piping, or expensive installation manpower
⇒ Very low maintenance
⇒ Provides reliable, cost effective protection for a wide range of fire hazards
⇒ Listed for Class A, B, C fires by UL, ULC, CSIRO, ECB, and many others
⇒ Favorably reviewed by EPA for SNAP listing
⇒ Suitable for enclosed facilities and local applications
⇒ Safe for personnel - non-harmful to personnel at design application rates
⇒ Safe for valuable equipment -will not harm electronic equipment or magnetic media
⇒ Post fire cleanup is minimal - aerosol suspends in air for quick and easy venting after discharge
⇒ Compact – up to a 90% reduction in space and weight requirements